Saturday, February 25, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings, #56

I say ... and you think ...?
  1. Baby step:: slow
  2. Wasted:: life
  3. Reggie:: Jackson
  4. Pitiful:: me
  5. Acting out:: fantasies
  6. Tomato:: soup
  7. Bad night:: every night
  8. Trip:: fall
  9. Finance charges:: suck
  10. Sport:: bad

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings, #55

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Right time:: none
  2. Funeral:: sorrow
  3. Calculate:: plan
  4. Believe me:: why didn't you?
  5. Chat:: never again
  6. Anniversary:: April 24
  7. Let you down:: why did you?
  8. Shout:: cry
  9. Sweatsock:: old
  10. Prayer:: didn't prevent it

The Love of my Life is Gone Forever, My Life is Over

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings, #54

I say ... and you think ...?
  1. Taking sides:: contentious
  2. Couples:: therapy
  3. Right of refusal:: justified
  4. Marla:: Maples
  5. Multiple:: orgasms
  6. Trinity:: Holy
  7. Sneeze:: Bless You!
  8. Sweatpants:: sweatshirt
  9. Steve:: McQueen
  10. Fabulous:: marvelous

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