Sunday, March 26, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings, #60

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Glass castle:: glass slipper
  2. Preserved:: embalmed
  3. Jealousy:: ugly
  4. Territory:: Yukon
  5. Coffee:: tea
  6. Stephen:: King
  7. Slut:: loose woman
  8. Dynamic:: powerful
  9. Daybreak:: dawn
  10. Dew:: morning

Unconscious Mutterings, #59

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Sugar rush:: Mt. Dew
  2. Chemical:: dependency
  3. Suspension:: bridge
  4. Defending:: Your Life
  5. Conference:: call
  6. Dance:: fever
  7. Weather:: report
  8. Fuel:: cost
  9. Heartbreak:: constant
  10. Insult:: injury

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings, #58

I say ... you think ... ?
  1. Displacement:: forced
  2. Grease monkey:: paint
  3. Vacancy:: no
  4. Conquer:: divide
  5. Payroll:: taxes
  6. Personal:: grief
  7. Housewife:: mother
  8. Lateral:: sideways
  9. Tissue:: kleenex
  10. Multiplication:: division

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings, #57

I say ... and you think ...?
  1. Upgrade:: software
  2. Happy ending:: fairytale
  3. Stale:: bread
  4. Tripping:: falling
  5. Working:: too hard
  6. Explicit:: clear
  7. Happy place:: don't have any
  8. Tornado:: my life
  9. Medication:: helps
  10. Muppet:: Jim Henson

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