Sunday, September 24, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings, #83

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Bell :: ring
  2. Abuse :: verbal
  3. Relief :: fund
  4. List :: Virgo
  5. Concern :: care
  6. Absolute :: fixed
  7. Cling :: suffer
  8. Dump :: landfill
  9. Terminate :: end
  10. Wine :: tasting

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings, #82

I say... and someone thinks ... ?
  1. Running :: walking
  2. Alternative :: choice
  3. Cope :: deal
  4. Lots :: plenty
  5. Sympathetic :: understanding
  6. Barn :: door
  7. Totally :: completely
  8. Baby :: tiny
  9. Undeniable :: rights
  10. Watermelon :: rind

Monday, September 04, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings, #81

I say ... and you think ...?
  1. Wiggle :: squiggle
  2. Face :: about
  3. Adjustable :: flexible
  4. Room :: space
  5. Easy :: hard
  6. Store :: shop
  7. Maid :: nurse
  8. 9 pm :: record show
  9. Challenge :: opportunity
  10. Debt :: owe

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